
Welcome! Olá!

Yet another personal finance / FI / FIRE blog! Yes…there are many over there. Let us introduce ourselves. Me and Mrs.Firecracker are a family of 2 in our early 30s (well Mrs.Firecracker is only 29 so i hope this comment wont bring me any issues 🙂 ), we are both proud Portuguese and we are newly weds who have decided during our honeymoon to start this blog. Talk about crazy humn?

Personal finance as always been a topic dear to us and has kept me busy investing and saving since my early twenties. Mrs.Firecracker as also discovered since a young age how personal finance could dictate many aspects of her life and shes the master accounts of our household.

As stated we live in Portugal, Lisbon not very far from this lovely square.

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Praça do Comércio

I would say its fair that we consider ourselves as middle class even tough we both earn above the average.

Throughout our journey we will be sharing a little bit how could FI work in Portugal and for a Portuguese. Our tax system is unfortunetly extremely complex so you might hear me complaining from time to time about this.

We also dont have the same tools available as in the US nor other European countries….Forget about 401k, 3rd pillar investments or any other sort.

But, Alas ! Not all is bad! We have sun, affordable healthcare and a safe country. Did i mention sardines?

Resultado de imagem para lata sardinha bom petisco
Typical Can of Sardines

Tons of it! Also other types of fish and great seafood! But lets move on..

We are here to share with you, dear reader, our journey towards FI and for you to also hold us accountable on this. We expect to get some nice tips from you if we are on the right path.

As always we intend to learn from you and maybe also share some lights. Reach out to us in either English or Portuguese and we will try our best to anwser.

Happy FI and remember, wear suncreen. Easy joke when its 31 degrees outside.

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